Where To Buy the Books, 'Old T-Rex' and 'Big Woolly Mammoth' in NZ

If you reside in New Zealand, you are in the correct place to proceed to purchase these books directly from the author.

If you reside outside New Zealand, go to Where To Buy Beyond NZ to find out where you can purchase these books.

Where To Buy

Buy these books directly from the author now. They make great Christmas gifts, or birthday presents,
for curious 3-to-8-year-old children.

Loaded with facts about dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures, they appeal to both girls and boys alike.


On this page you can find out about:

The advantages of buying the books from the author. Other places to buy the books from. Their availability in Libraries. How schools and preschools can buy them.

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These are the original editions of these self-published books that are printed 

in Nelson by Copy Press.

(Note: The ISBN numbers are not the same as the international editions printed overseas.)

They are in most public libraries, and a growing number of schools and preschools.

(Scroll down to see how simple it is for schools and preschools to buy these books on invoice.)

The public can Buy Old T-Rex and Big Woolly Mammoth from the Author now, 

or from Copy Press, or from Paper Plus, as well as Independent Bookstores.


When Buying Directly From The Author On This Website Store

·        For 2 books or more, the cost will be the same as the RRP in bookstores.

·        This price includes the cost of having them delivered by NZ Courier Post to your doorstep.

·        The parcel could be addressed to the child’s name and address you want it sent to.

·        On the Store order form, you can request Geoff to sign the books on the inside of the front cover.

·        You can also send Geoff a personal message to be printed above his signature.

·        You can contact Geoff directly by email, or phone, if you want to ask or explain anything about your order.

Please Note. NZ Post Courier deliveries to RD addresses will also cost an additional $5.50.  Store      


Old T-Rex and Big Woolly Mammoth may be in stock at your nearest 

Paper Plus or Independent Bookstore.

Their RRP in NZ is now $25 incl. GST.

If your bookstore does not have them currently available, 

they should be able to order them in for you.

Public Libraries

These books are available in most NZ Public Libraries.

If your library does not have them, inquire because

most libraries enable borrowers to make a request 

or a suggestion for the library to buy books they would like to read.

Schools and Preschools can buy these books on invoice directly from the author.

Nearly 270 have already bought their books this way. To order them, simply email the author at geoff@arapiki.nz and say, ‘Yes please’.
Then clearly note your name, the name of your school or preschool, and the address for the delivery.

The books will be sent to you straight away by tracked NZ Post courier and you will receive a reply email which includes the invoice for payment.
(If you would like signed copies, please note this. E.g.
“For the children at (the name of your school or preschool), Geoff Gudsell, Nelson.”)

The RRP per book in the bookstores is now $25 incl. GST, but these 2 invoiced books can be delivered to your door for $26 each, incl. GST, and postage.

Please note that the minimum order is 2 books as this price includes only an additional $1 per book to contribute towards the cost of delivery.

(If your school or preschool has a RD address, the price per book becomes $27 each, incl. GST, and postage.)